512: Q&A Session!

12 Feb

Erin has asked for topic ideas and questions and has brought them all today. Social media and mental health? College rejections? Preparing for finals? Taylor Swift? All this covered in one episode! EPISODE #505 – Normalizing Rejection

508: What’s on Our College Spreadsheets?

15 Jan

A parent writes in and feels overwhelmed with the amount of information coming in about colleges during the application process. How do Megan and Erin keep it all organized? Is there a “best way” to make sure deadlines are compiled … Read More »

506: All About Financial Aid 2023-24

1 Jan

A parent has a number of questions about financial aid–and Erin and Megan have answers! Everything from the timeline, to how to choose which school based on their offer, this episode is a great overview of the financial aid process.