530: Short Summer Series: Erin Suggests Podcasts

17 Jun

In this episode, Erin shares some of her favorite podcasts. No Stupid Questions — Research psychologist Angela Duckworth, the author of “Grit” and tech / sports executive Mike Maughan ask lots of questions. Hidden Brain looks into the underlying patterns … Read More »

527: The Price You Pay For College

27 May

Megan and Erin did some reading and have a book report on The Price You Pay for College: An Entirely New Road Map for the Biggest Financial Decision Your Family Will Ever Make by Ron Lieber. What does this book cover? … Read More »

526: Drop That Class!

20 May

Students are told that dropping a class will ruin their future prospects–the dreaded W on the transcript is the scarlet letter. Erin argues that sometimes dropping a class is the best and most strategic choice. She also discusses what other … Read More »